Legacy Giving

We are simply stewards of the resources God gave us.


The Gathering invites you to be part of FOR ALL TIME - by making a planned gift that will ensure new generations will become deeply committed followers of Christ for years to come.

Let us know if you've made plans to make The Gathering part of your will or estate here.

For information email dave.dietrich@gatheringnow.org

Create a will or trust for free

Free Will is a new tool The Gathering is providing to guide you step-by-step through creating a legal will or trust online. There is no cost to you. We simply wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Having a current will or estate plan can help ensure the resources you leave behind end up where you want them to, and not tied up.


What type of gift can I give? 

  • Will or Trust - designate a dollar amount or percentage of an estate
  • Retirement Plan - name The Gathering as beneficiary to a portion or all of a 401k, IRA, etc.
  • IRA Rollover - if 70½ or older, make tax-free IRA charitable rollover gifts of up to $100,000 per year
  • Life Insurance Policy - Transfer ownership of paid policy or name The Gathering as beneficiary with proceeds exempt from estate tax
  • Stocks/Appreciated Assets - transfer assets owned for at least one year and retain advantages such as capital gains tax avoidance

Do I need estate planning, even if I do not have a large estate?

Yes. An updated estate plan enables you to leave your assets to the persons and/or organizations you want to support. Additionally, if you care for dependents or loved ones, your estate plan spells out provisions to name who and how those that depend on you will be cared for. A comprehensive estate plan may also reduce estate and income taxes to the extent possible.

How will my legacy gift(s) be utilized by The Gathering?

Your legacy gift(s) will have an immediate and long-term impact on ministry at The Gathering. A single gift has a three-fold impact in the following categories:
1. Long-term Fund (60%) – a strategic restricted fund providing stability, longevity and operations growth. This will support ongoing missions, ministry, and administration.
2. Catalyst Fund (30%) – an “action” fund with reduced spending rules that sparks new church sites, programs and initiatives. This will keep us grounded in our mission and support invitation, innovation and compelling new initiatives that move and adapt as faith and church evolve.
3. Facilities Fund (10%) – a tithe to support the
critical infrastructure needs of Gathering
properties as they age.

If I have minor children, what kind of estate planning do I need?

You can establish a trust that will better support your kids should you and/or your spouse or partner pass before your children become adults. This will prevent an expensive, court-monitored conservatorship for your children’s inheritance and you can create this alongside your will at no cost through our partnership with FreeWill.

Does The Gathering accept donations of property such as land, housing, or other tangible assets as part of my will?

The Gathering is not an expert in real property such as land, housing, automobiles, etc.. As such, any gift of this nature would need to be approved by the Executive Leadership Team (aka “The Board”) in conjunction with outside experts to determine the associated risks and benefits of accepting such a gift.

Will my family have to pay estate taxes?

The federal government will levy a tax on estates of a certain amount. The exemption for 2023 is $12.92 million for individuals or $25.84 million per married couple. This means that estates of individuals and couples that are less than those exemption amounts will not be liable for any federal estate tax. For Missouri residents, there is not a state-imposed tax on estates.

 If I have family that needs my financial support, how can I make a legacy gift?

With careful planning, there are several ways to leverage your assets to provide for your family and make a charitable planned gift. One possibility is leaving a tithe of 10% of your estate (or perhaps an asset that approximates a tithe) to The Gathering, while leaving the remaining 90% of your estate to your family.

Is there a minimum amount The Gathering is expecting from donors who choose legacy giving as way to contribute?

Not at all. All we ask is that you intentionally discern your potential for making in impact through The Gathering as part of your legacy.
This information is for general purposes only and is not intended as legal or financial advice.
The Gathering recommends that each person considering a planned gift consult with their own legal or financial advisor.

If you are interested in strategies for achieving a healthier financial wellbeing through programs such as Saving Grace, please reach out to ashley.pondoff@gatheringnow.org