Early services
at the McCausland Site
Wednesday, December 18, 7pm
Monday, December 23, 7pm
Christmas Eve Services
Tuesday, December 24
*Kids Ministry for Infants - Age 5 Available at All Early & Christmas Eve Services Except 11pm

two nights this year
Worship at 6pm, Activities to Follow
Thursday, December 19
Friday, December 20
Wear your favorite Christmas PJs, and join us for an upbeat, live worship experience designed for the whole family. Then, stick around for cookie decorating, hot chocolate, a Christmas movie, and a petting zoo of animals like those that you may have seen around the manger!

Worship With Us All Season Long
From meaningful moments to a time of rest from busy lives, all of us want Christmas to be special. But often Christmas sneaks up on us and we feel as if we missed the magic.
To experience the fullness of Christmas, we have to be ready for it, and we have to prepare. So, before you get caught up in the chaos this season, join us to put your preparations into perspective.
Throughout December we will learn how to prepare our heart and lives to more fully experience Jesus this holiday. Christmas can be different, but we have to get ready.
Sundays | 9am & 10:30am
Sundays | 9:30am & 11am
Sundays | 10am
Sundays | 12am CST
Advent Devotional
The 2024 Advent Devotional will begin on Sunday, December 1.
Find it here, in the app, or sign-up to get the daily devotional sent to your inbox.
Give to Mozambique

This Christmas Eve, as we have since 2009, The Gathering will give away our entire offering to build safe water wells in Mozambique.
To date, we've invested more than $2.5 million dollars to build more than 200 wells, providing water to more than 500,000 people throughout the country.
Access to safe water means the difference between people spending all day, every day, walking miles to get water and simply having time to live their lives. Let’s keep giving the life-changing gift of safe, easily accessible water to our siblings in Mozambique this Christmas Eve!
Volunteer to serve
Christmas Eve services are only possible with the help of amazing volunteers. We invite you to serve with us on the hospitality team or in kids ministry.