There are moments in our life when we face a choice: will we continue doing what we’ve always done or will we take a step toward a new future?
This is one of those moments. Will you be open to what lies ahead?
This is one of those moments. Will you be open to what lies ahead?
A word about OPEN from Pastor Matt Miofsky
is a two year initiative to fund the vision and mission of The Gathering. This website is your companion guide to this initiative.
Here you will find:
A CELEBRATION of who we are and what God is doing in our midst
A VISION for where God is calling us next
AN INVITATION to participate in God’s story through giving
All that’s required of you is a willingness to be OPEN. Are you ready?
Here you will find:
A CELEBRATION of who we are and what God is doing in our midst
A VISION for where God is calling us next
AN INVITATION to participate in God’s story through giving
All that’s required of you is a willingness to be OPEN. Are you ready?
OPEN to New Things
Open – Week 5: Open to Commitment
Nov 14, 2021 • Rev. Matt Miofsky
Open – Week 4: Open Hearts, Open Doors
Nov 7, 2021 • Rev. Matt Miofsky
Open – Week 3: Open to Growth
Oct 31, 2021 • Rev. Matt Miofsky
Open – Week 2: Open to Generosity
Oct 24, 2021 • Rev. Matt Miofsky
Open – Week 1: Be Open
Oct 17, 2021 • Rev. Matt Miofsky
Companion Guide
There is one characteristic that separates people who learn and
grow from those who do not. Do you want to know what it is?
A willingness to listen, to be disrupted, and to make space for new things. Before we can grow, we must be open.
The same thing is true of a church. Every significant season of growth at The Gathering has started with being open to the possibility that God isn’t done with us yet. I believe that the greatest chapters of our church will be written over the next few years. We are in a critical time. While so many are waiting on things to return to normal, we believe God is calling us to act. People need the church right now. They need connection, encouragement, and hope right now. God doesn’t want the church to hunker down or just try to survive in seasons like this. God wants the church to meet the moment, rise to the occasion, and to be open to the possibility that the best parts of our future are starting right now.
The companion book contains a vision for what I believe God wants for The Gathering over the next two years. It is a bold vision, one that isn’t satisfied with the status quo, but is open to risk, disruption, newness. But before God can do something new with our church, we have to be open to God doing something new with us. So this book is also about a vision for you. I hope you will join me for this adventure. Whether you are new to The Gathering, or have been around for a long time, I am asking just one thing from you. Be open.
Peace +
Rev. Matt Miofsky
grow from those who do not. Do you want to know what it is?
A willingness to listen, to be disrupted, and to make space for new things. Before we can grow, we must be open.
The same thing is true of a church. Every significant season of growth at The Gathering has started with being open to the possibility that God isn’t done with us yet. I believe that the greatest chapters of our church will be written over the next few years. We are in a critical time. While so many are waiting on things to return to normal, we believe God is calling us to act. People need the church right now. They need connection, encouragement, and hope right now. God doesn’t want the church to hunker down or just try to survive in seasons like this. God wants the church to meet the moment, rise to the occasion, and to be open to the possibility that the best parts of our future are starting right now.
The companion book contains a vision for what I believe God wants for The Gathering over the next two years. It is a bold vision, one that isn’t satisfied with the status quo, but is open to risk, disruption, newness. But before God can do something new with our church, we have to be open to God doing something new with us. So this book is also about a vision for you. I hope you will join me for this adventure. Whether you are new to The Gathering, or have been around for a long time, I am asking just one thing from you. Be open.
Peace +
Rev. Matt Miofsky
Are you OPEN to...
Our ministries are designed to help you connect with others, grow deeper in your faith, and experience what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Through service you can develop relationships, provide space for others to meet and experience God's love, and lift up people in St. Louis and around the world.