Episode 13: Perspective
Our prayer today ... 🙏
God of dusty things,
Of moon dust and cat dander -
Of crystalline silica and sawdust -
Of the dead skin of the ancestors we never met but still breathe into our lungs each day.
We acknowledge that we are small things.
Us, people trying hard to be big.
Forgive us.
We confess that we don’t want to live out of “justs;”
To us, just an ordinary day is a humiliation.
And yet, to a man sick or a woman scared - such a day is a gift.
To be dust, to be anything.. To just be.
We thank you.. Thank you for the nobility of the normal,
For the weight of each moment, heavy, not with potential,
but with the moment itself - with isness.
Ground us in the everyday, each day.
Prepare us for the journey of this season,
And help us recognize that in our quotidian lives,
Our dusty existence matters
In as much as we can be present to it
And mark its magnificent unfolding.