Episode 9: Listening
Dear God,
Help me to be at ease in silent spaces.
Quiet the ruminations and worries and allow me to be
Centered on you. On listening for your voice.
In this silence, I consent to your action and presence within.
(Let’s spend a minute or two in quiet. Practice noticing when your mind chatter wanders to the past ruminating or the future worrying. When you notice your attention wander, gently return to the presence of God that is right here, now with you.)
Lord, as I continue to learn to be ok in the silence,
Allow me to be similarly present with other people.
Teach me to listen well. To be curious and ask questions.
Teach me to put aside my own story in order to invite the stories of others;
And when my story is invited, fill me with gratitude
And see it for the generous gift that it is.