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Together Towards Change...and Healthy Habits // M-Note 1.20.24

Changing requires new routines. But it is tough to start and maintain a new habit. One way to make it easier is doing it with someone else. This makes a new habit more enjoyable, more social, and builds in some accountability. Most of us find greater motivation for a new habit if we do it with someone else.  

The American Society of Training and Development found people are 65 percent more likely to meet a goal after making a commitment to someone else. Even more incredible, the chance of achieving a goal increases by 95 percent when you set a deadline and share regular progress with the people you’ve asked to hold you accountable. And it is no different when it comes to our faith.

God did not intend for us to do life alone, even when, maybe especially when, it comes to working on significant personal change.

That’s why learning in small groups is one of our five practices here at The Gathering. Core Groups are starting back up this week after a brief holiday break. If you aren’t yet in a group or have been on the fence, this is the perfect time to try one out. If you previously tried a group, but it didn’t stick, I encourage you to try again. You can check out and sign up for a CoreGroup here. If you need help finding the right group for you, just reach out to your site pastor and they can help you.

Another great place to find community and accountability is through our Wellness Ministry. Winter Wellness Groups begin the week of February 4, and run for six weeks. And, Saturday, February 3, the Wellness team is hosting a one day workshop on navigating life’s transitions called SHIFT HAPPENS. It will be led by Sharon Felts, who is a Change Cycle Master Trainer and Facilitator.

This weekend, we will continue our series Clean Slate: New Habits for a New Year with tips on building the habits and routines necessary to create lasting personal change. Thanks to all of you for being in worship and starting the year off strong. I hope you will join us in person, or you can worship online on our YouTube channel anytime on Sunday. Please, think about who needs to hear the last few weeks of this series, and personally invite them. See you soon.

P.S. On Thursday, February 1, at 7pm, an EXPLORE group will begin at our Clayton site. If you’re trying to figure out what’s next for you at The Gathering, EXPLORE is a great place to do it. It’s just four weeks, and you’ll have the chance to ask questions, get to know The Gathering a little better, and learn what we believe about Jesus, the Bible, and church in general. Plus, childcare and snacks will be provided! At the end, you’ll have a chance to become a member of the church. February’s group will be led by Pastor Sarah Rugenstone. You can learn more and sign up here.
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