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The Original Influencer // M-Note 2.1.25

Our aptitudes, values, and behaviors are influenced by the people we listen to. For the past several weeks, I have been challenging each of you to consider the voices that you are allowing to influence your life. This includes voices on the macro level - the entertainment you watch, the media you consume, and the social influencers or apps that you follow. Together, these macro voices can account for hours of influence everyday! And then there are the personal relationships in our lives – the friends we have, the coworkers we hang around, the kids at school that we spend time with, and sometimes even the family voices that we allow to impact us.
All of these voices shape us, often in helpful and healthy ways. But, occasionally we hit seasons of life when we need to reevaluate who we listen to and spend time with. If we want to change something in our life, or begin moving in a new direction, very often we must shift the voices we listen to. This also means identifying unhelpful or unhealthy voices, and then turning them down or muting them all together.
In the Bible, God warns us about certain kinds of people, specifically the critic, the narcissist, and the fool. The critic is negative and can drag us into negativity, as well. In their place, we are called to find encouragers in our life. The fool is someone who doesn’t know God or what God’s vision for life is. As a result, they can lead us down paths that do not help us to become the people God calls us to be. In their place, we are called to find wise people walking a path that we want to walk. The narcissist is selfish, and the kind of person that will take everything they can from you, without giving much back. In their place, God calls us to find people who are humble and serve others as they look after themselves.
God speaks to us through other people – especially through people who love God and love us. But, part of seeking out new voices is also getting better at listening to the voice of God in our lives. This weekend, we will end our series Cancel the Noise, by talking about the ways that God often speaks to us, and how you can grow in your ability to hear God’s voice in your own life. It is an important message and one that can help you find a reliable voice to guide you through the chaotic and confusing times we find ourselves in.
If you haven’t caught the series or want to share one of the messages, you can find them all here. Enjoy the warm weather (finally!), and I will see you in worship.
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