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Exploring New Sites…And You’re Invited // M-Note 2.8.25

As a new church 19 years ago, The Gathering has always had a heart for reaching people who are curious about faith but did not go to church. Some people have written the church off as boring or irrelevant. Others have been burned by a church that didn’t welcome them or people they love. Many people just don’t think the church would be a place they could find meaning. Regardless, The Gathering is a church that wants to welcome people as they are and invite them to grow in light of what Jesus has to say.
Over nearly two decades, this has given rise to three sites of The Gathering, along with a thriving online ministry. We believe the time is right to consider starting another new site. Why now? We think there are three compelling reasons:
  1. Inviting new people is at the heart of who we are, and a new site gives us a chance to rally together as one church to welcome new people in a new area to The Gathering.
  2. After years of rebuilding post-pandemic, The Gathering is growing significantly and in a strong position to send people out to start a new site.
  3. With the disaffiliation of United Methodist Churches in our metro area, there is a need for new churches that believe deeply in Jesus and welcome all people.
For these reasons, The Gathering board and staff have decided to formally begin exploring new sites in two different locations – the Metro East and in West County. I want to be clear. For now, we are exploring these possibilities, but not yet committing to them. We need time to determine, along with you, if a site is ready to be pursued. We will be talking to you to see if there is interest in new sites in these areas. We will pursue funding and grant opportunities. We will learn more about the specific communities and where a new site might best be located. Finally, we want to consider who might be the right leader of a new site.
By late spring, we want to determine if and where a new site might be effective and feasible. The next few months, there will be opportunities for you to learn more about these potential sites and express your interest. For now, if you live in west county or the metro east, and are interested in learning more about helping to start a site there, please let us know here.
Friends, thank you for being part of The Gathering. It is an honor to be your pastor, and I will see you Sunday.
P.S. Tomorrow, we are beginning perhaps the most important series we will do all year - The Beloved Community: Pursuing Racial Justice. While we have planned this service for months, it is even more relevant against the backdrop of what is happening nationally in our politics. The church is called to overcome the sinful divisions of the world and reflect the kingdom of God which scripture says includes all people, of all tribes and tongues. Please plan to join me this weekend as I kick off the series with a message about the sin of racism and what we can do to confront it in our lives, our community, and our church. Invite someone else you know that might want to be a part of this conversation.

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1 Comment

Ray Long - February 8th, 2025 at 9:49am

We covenant to pray that God will direct the steps of this endeavor!



