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Getting Unstuck

Dear Gathering,
Last weekend, a lawn service was working in a neighbor’s yard when suddenly a large riding mower got stuck. I watched for about 30 minutes while the crew tried all sorts of different strategies to get the equipment out. It didn’t work. They started packing up, and since I was outside and witnessing this whole thing, they yelled over to me, “we will be back for that”. I thought to myself, “when you are stuck, it is hard to get unstuck”. I know, I know, it is an obvious statement. And yet it is so true, not just when it comes to lawn equipment, but also when it comes to life.
When you are stuck, it is hard to get unstuck. Why? Because in life, the very activities that help us get out of a spiritual rut are often the very activities that are hardest to do when we are in the rut. Think about it. When you are distant from God, you don’t feel like praying, even though praying helps you move closer. When you feel spiritually dry, you don’t feel like worshiping, even though worshiping helps fill you up. And when you feel disconnected from church and others, you may not feel like getting in a group, even though a group can help you reconnect. I get it. Right now many of us find ourselves in something of a spiritual rut. We are stuck. But, I want to invite you to do something to get out of it, even if you don’t feel like it!
Last week, CoreGroups started. I want to thank the hundreds of you that signed up and are in a group. If you are not yet in a group, couldn’t find the right one, or have doubts about whether or not you want to even do it – I have an invitation for you. Starting Wednesday, September 30, our site pastors are teaming up to lead a 3-week virtual small group called Pastor Circle Up. Without a long-term commitment, it is a great way to try a group, meet some other people, and get reconnected. At the end of the Circle Up, you will have the option to choose a host and keep meeting, break into smaller groups or even seek out or start a new group -- that’s up to you. I know making that first move when you are stuck is hard. But, it is worth it. So, if you feel spiritually disconnected, try the Pastor Circle Up. You can register here or on our app under events. You won’t be sorry.
This weekend, I am continuing my series Disrupted: Living in Exile. This week, we will study a story that challenges us to stop wishing for what we had and start living where we are. It is all about growing where we are planted. If you have never done it, invite a friend or family member to join you online. The message will give you something to talk about in the week ahead. In the meantime, enjoy this crisp fall weather and thank you for hanging in there. God is at work, even if we can’t see it.
P.S. If you have tried to sign up for a CoreGroup and have had any problems at all, please let us know here. We want to make sure you get connected and don’t fall through the cracks. Tuesday night, I am hosting NEXT at McCausland (and via zoom). If you are newer to The Gathering, sign up and join me as I share the story of our church and answer your questions. Finally, don’t forget to register for one of our THREE outdoor worship nights coming up -- The Gathering Goes Outside. We are hosting them at McCausland, Webster, and Clayton and you can register here or on The Gathering App.
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