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Advent Devotional - Day 2

Monday, November 30
Psalm 130:1-8

Verse one of The Message version of this passage reads:

“Help, God -- the bottom has fallen out of my life!”

I find that description provides a super helpful visual. The author was standing on something they thought was solid. Their foundation felt firm. Then the bottom fell out.

For many of us the bottom fell out somewhere around mid-March of this year. In the weeks and months since then we have been in various states of free-fall. I’m not the first and I definitely won’t be the last person to say that 2020 has been a year unlike any other. It feels like all we have done this year is wait for things to get better, or at least to resemble something closer to normal. So, if you are like me, you are arriving at this Advent season sick of waiting.

Waiting to visit family. Waiting to hug a good friend. Waiting to return to church in person. Waiting for a vaccine. Waiting to hear about a job. Waiting to go back to school. Waiting for test results.

The waiting can wear on us. We give thanks, though, that Advent is a season of waiting for something that is sure. As our patience is tested, the Psalmist reminds us that God will fulfill  the promises God has made.

On Christmas day we will look back at Jesus’ birth as the fulfillment of God’s promise of a savior. All throughout this season we will look forward to the promise of Jesus’ return.

My hope is that this devotional is a steady companion for these four weeks of waiting. Together we will read of the hope, peace, joy, and love that come with the birth of Christ. The bottom has fallen out, we are left waiting on so many things, but the Savior is coming. May God be present in our waiting.

Reflection by Denee Bowers

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