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Advent Devotional - Day 10

Tuesday, December 8
Isaiah 9:6-7

This beautiful description of Jesus was written over 700 years before he was born. Jesus was prophesied to bring healing to all brokenness.

Jesus was compelling. He was counter-cultural and he changed everything. Jesus was invited to temples by the elite and religious but he chose fisherman to accompany him while frequently dining with the likes of tax collectors and ‘undesirables’. He compassionately performed miracles to provide, heal, free, and alleviate pain. Not to gain fame or money. He could have easily climbed up the religious ladder to immediately overthrow it but he traveled on foot to share God’s love, comfort, and teach. He chose to enter the city on a donkey instead of a decorated commanding stallion that exuded status or commanded attention. He was beautifully humble.

I’ll never forget returning to a sport I loved after a long absence. It was gametime and I was nervous but ready. My coach shined my helmet, handed it to me, and said, “Now throw on your crown and remind them who they’re dealing with.” It’s a cute saying in sports but the ultimate example has yet to come.

Even 2,000 years later, in times of pandemic, uncertainty, and political transition, we forget to anticipate our true leader and king returning to put on His crown again! What a life-giving reminder that all authority will be given to the Prince of Peace. (Of PEACE. I could sit with this for days!) The loving and Mighty God finally on the throne bringing order to a chaotic world. The everlasting government that rests on these shoulders are the same weary shoulders that carried a cross. A Wonderful Counselor who will unite us, lead us out of conflict and provide the richest wisdom and justice. A new kingdom is coming with the zeal of the Lord, friends.

O Come, Emmanuel!

Lord, I await your return with ___________________.

You are the ___________________________________.

Thank you for__________________________________.

I love that You are_________________________________.

Help me understand ____________________________.

I pray _________________________________________.

May your kingdom be ___________________________.


Reflection by Dallis Meyer

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