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Advent Devotional - Day 16

Monday, December 14
Psalm 105:42-43; Exodus 15:1-3

Singing Joy

Singing is a practice in both Jewish and Christian expressions of worship. The cantor leads singing portions of scripture. In our worship, singing is an important means of sharing the scripture with music.

In my family, music is so important. There isn't a family gathering where we don't sing. Truly, the family is known to have some great gospel singers. I'm more of a background singer.

Two of the standard songs we sing were the favorites of our matriarchs. My great grandma Bertha's favorite song was The Lord is blessing me, right now.  My grandma Thelma's song was If it had not been for the Lord on my side, tell me where would I be?

My Grandpa O.V. is my last  living grandparent. He gave his life to church ministry for more than 50 years. Now, in a memory care center, he continues ministry with his neighbor residents. However, instead of preaching, he's singing. While his memory fades, he sings songs of victory and comfort during chapel at the center.

During this Christmas season we will all sing carols. Their lyrics are laden with hope, victory, and joy. May we sing these songs, not just to each other, rather may we offer our carol praises to God for all that God has done and will do. Sing on, friends!

Reflection by Charity Goodwin

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