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Day 6

Tuesday, February 23
Exodus 3-4

After rereading the story of Moses and the burning bush, I realized a couple things. First, God will always find unexpected ways to guide us in our life, and we have to surrender and trust that God knows the path we are to take. Second, to always be on the lookout for God’s signs in our day-to-day. I’m a senior in High School this year and I have no clue what is next for me. Being in the unknown has brought even more anxiety into my life then I already have. I have been accepted into every college but I know I need to take time off before I start more school. What is there to do when you have no money to travel but you want to get away as soon as possible?

I soon received a text from my aunt giving me information on an organization called Neema Village located in Tanzania, Africa. I got a hold of the Woman who started this 40 years ago and we spoke for an hour. We laughed and cried about the work and tragedy she has experienced while being across seas. She invited me to go and volunteer for four months next semester and of course I said yes. I have no idea what the future holds, but reading this story over again reminded me why I don’t have to be afraid. Moses was terrified when God told him the plan of saving the Isrealites but God provided all the resources Moses needed to succeed. When we are faced with a new part of life, job, or opportunity, remembering that God is in control and knows our path lifts a weight off our shoulders. If you feel a calling in any aspect of life, remember that God has prepared and equipped you for this moment no matter how intimidated or scared you may feel.

My prayer for you today is this:

God, I pray you open my mind and heart to see you this next week. That through the anxiety and uncertainty you help me remember that I am equipped for this moment because of you. And for that I say thank you. I pray that no matter how impossible life may feel, you remind me that I am worthy to be here. Amen.

Reflection by Sophia Hays

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