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The Second Sunday in Lent

The Second Sunday in Lent
Sunday, February 28

Lent is a season of fasting and prayer. Fasting and prayer. Last week we focused on establishing the pattern of some type of fast. Now that you have removed something from your day-to-day, you should be finding a bit of space opening up. A slower pace and a simplified way of life are a cause for celebration on their own, but they also give us the opportunity to spend more time with God in prayer.

I’ve not always been good at this part of Lenten practice. I usually hear one story of an exceedingly spiritual person who prays every hour on the hour during Lent and feel overwhelmed. My sense that I need to be the most prayerful person keeps me from simply being a more prayerful person.

I’m changing it up this year. I’m going for quality over quantity and settling on a one sentence prayer for Lent. When I’m not ________ (insert your fast here) I can say this short prayer. If I have time and energy I can expand on my one sentence, or I can keep it short and sweet.

There’s nothing magical about the one sentence you decide on. If you are facing a big decision your prayer could be asking God for wisdom. If you hope to grow in an area of your life your prayer can invite God into that area. You can borrow some words from someone else, pray a verse of scripture, or write your own.

A practice to try this week:
Spend some time writing a one sentence prayer. Write down your prayer and place it in a prominent spot in your house, car, or office. Pray it, pray it, and pray it again.

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