Holiday Service Opportunity

🚨Service Opportunity Alert🚨

We have two new ways to serve our community this holiday season.

The Gathering is partnering with Healing Action, a local organization committed to ending commercial sexual exploitation, to provide gifts for their members’ teenage children. Each year, they have no problem getting gifts for the younger children, but the teenagers are often left out. So, help us give them a fun holiday, too!

If you have a teenager, this is a great way to get them involved. Plus, they know what teenagers like!

We also had a member of The Gathering reach out to us about a woman she works with who has a few clothing needs.

You can sign up to donate one or more of these items here:

Think about engaging your whole Core Group to participate together, or at least share it with your members, so they can sign up individually if they’d like.

Please bring all items, unwrapped, to worship on Sunday, December 19, or arrange a time with Beth McClure,, to drop them off earlier.

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