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Day 14

Closet Clean Out

Day 14
Saturday, December 11

“The crowds asked him, ‘What should we do?’

He answered, ‘Whoever has two shirts must share with the one who has none, and whoever has food must do the same.’”

Luke 3:11

In November I decided to do the task I dread more than anything…clean out my closet. The finished product resulted in mixed feelings of satisfaction at the organization, relief at the simplification, and embarrassment over the amount of extra clothes I had to donate. The holiday season is a time when our minds turn to generosity. John the Baptist invites us to consider our own generosity with a simple measuring stick. Do you have more than what you need? Great, give it away to someone who could use it more.
What do you have more than enough of this season? How can you share it with someone else?

God, loosen our grip on the things we have so that we can share our blessings with others. Amen.

Reflection by Denee Bowers

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