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Some Assembly Required

by Matt Miofsky
Recently, I ordered a couch online. Unlike the stores I went into, this couch wasn’t going to take months to arrive. It was also less expensive, and it came right to my door. Fast, convenient, inexpensive – but there was one catch. It comes in about 20 boxes, and I have to put it all together. It might get shipped for free, but if I want to enjoy it, some assembly is required.
Faith is like that. A relationship with Jesus costs nothing, is immediately available, and can happen anytime, anywhere. This is true, and it is good news. But, if you want to really enjoy this  relationship, if you want to get out of it everything it has to offer – then it requires some work. Following Jesus means some effort on our part. But, the result is worth it.
A lot of us feel stuck in our faith right now. That usually happens because we are no longer doing the things that help to keep that relationship with Jesus alive. Worship becomes less frequent, we stop reading or learning with others, our prayers become less frequent, and we have stopped serving others. Recovering some of these rhythms and practices can revitalize our faith and help us to come alive in new ways.
Tomorrow is a perfect opportunity for you to restart a new habit of worshiping. I will be starting a new series Follow Jesus – Some Assembly Required. Some of us have drifted from the practices that keep us connected to God. But, the good news is we can start again. Join me tomorrow online or in person as we start a new series. It may just lead you to find what has been missing in your life.
P.S. Don’t forget Daylight Saving time starts this weekend. Set your clocks ahead an hour tonight! We will have coffee at church to help you.
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