Commitment // M-Note 9.23.22

What comes to mind when you read that word? Commitment has fallen on hard times in our culture. Most of us see commitment as a loss of freedom. We have a fear of missing out, so we want to keep our options open, reserve the right to change our mind, and take advantage of new opportunities. Commitments might tie us down.
In a world full of competing options for our allegiance or attention, Jesus invites us to make a commitment to follow him. But far from loss, Jesus promises us that this commitment will change our life…for the better. Following Jesus is not loss, but gain. Life on our own is good, but life with Jesus is better.
This weekend is a special one at The Gathering, because we will have two opportunities for you to make a commitment to follow Jesus. First, we will be doing baptisms for people of all ages at each of our sites. Baptism is the way we mark our decision to follow Jesus. If you have never been baptized, it isn't too late to do so this weekend. Even if you were baptized as a baby, but maybe never grew up in church, or just want to recommit to following Jesus, you can also come forward and we will remember your baptism. This can be powerful for any of you that never had the opportunity to mark your decision to follow Christ as an adult. We will be doing immersions in our baptism tanks at all sites, so come prepared to get wet (we will also have towels and extra t-shirts). You can also get baptized by kneeling at the baptismal font, if you prefer. Sign up and let us know if you want to be baptized or remember your baptism this weekend here. If you are undecided, it is ok. You can also respond in the moment in worship.
Secondly, this weekend is a time to join our church by becoming a member. Being a member of a church is an important shift from simply consuming the services of a church to becoming a participant. I know many of you have wondered how to become a member or have been interested in doing this for a while. This weekend is the perfect opportunity to join. All you have to do is be there. You can sign up and let us know you are interested in joining here. You can also make that decision in the moment this weekend.
Making a commitment to follow Jesus is the most important decision I have ever made. I know it can be that for you as well. It will change your life. I can’t wait for worship this weekend, as I know it will be a memorable one, whether you are new or have been in church all your life. I really hope you will be there. If you have any questions at all about baptism or membership, please reach out to one of our site pastors. I will see you Sunday.
P.S. You can also find out more information and sign up for baptism or membership in The Gathering App. If you don’t have it, download it here. It is a great way to stay connected to our church.
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