Something To Try This Weekend // M-Note 2.10.23

Recently, I had a friend tell me all about a new restaurant they went to here in St. Louis. Reservations are hard to get, but they were lucky enough to get in. They loved it and made sure I knew how good it was. At the end of the conversation they casually said, “you really should check it out.” If you read a really good book, it is natural to tell people about it. You may even end it by saying, “if you ever want to read it you can borrow it from me.” If you watch a great movie or find a new band that you love, it is normal to talk about it and to invite others to watch or listen, as well. Invitation is an outgrowth of experiencing something meaningful, interesting, or compelling.
Jesus asked his first followers to be people who shared what he offered with others. And what is it that Jesus offers? Jesus offered some people healing, others hope. Jesus challenged certain people to take risks and forgave people who had made mistakes. Jesus helped people make difficult decisions and reconciled relationships that had been strained. Jesus offered purpose to those who were searching and direction for those who were wandering. Jesus changed the lives of so many. And his charge was simple. Don’t keep it in. Share what you experienced with others.
Sometimes, we think that talking about faith means trying to evangelize others or trying to convince them to believe or do something. But, that is not what Jesus asks. Instead, if Jesus has changed your life in some way, if church has been meaningful to you, then Jesus simply asks us to be willing to share that. All of us know people who are searching for answers, dealing with family drama, trying to make a difficult choice, living with the consequences of a mistake, wondering how to best parent, or struggling in a relationship or marriage. All of us know people who have grown complacent, are looking for a new start, or who feel isolated and lonely.
We know people who are dealing with so much. Sometimes, the most powerful word we can offer is a simple invitation to come and experience church. To come and hear a message that might offer direction, healing, or make sense of the confusion. To come and experience community with others, forgiveness for mistakes, or inspiration for a new step.
This weekend, I am continuing our series on the power of invitation. I encourage you to try something that perhaps you have never done before. Invite someone to join you for worship at The Gathering. That simple gesture could be the new beginning someone in your life is looking for.
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