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Feeling Burned Out? // M-Note 4.14.23

God’s desire is that we create lives that we don’t want to escape from. And yet many of us have a weekly rhythm of life that wears us down and tires us out. In the past year 77% of people in the U.S. report experiencing burnout – at work, at home, and in their relationships. Burnout is not a medical diagnosis but is popularly used to describe a general state of exhaustion – emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. It is the kind of tired that a day off or week away doesn’t seem to solve. That is because burnout is the result of an unhealthy rhythm of life. I don’t have to describe it too much. Most of us know what it feels like.
Burnout is not what God intended for us and not what God wants for us. This weekend, I am starting a series called Burnout. We will explore what scripture says about burnout and how we can instead live spiritually and emotionally healthy lives – lives that don’t wear us out, and that we don’t want to escape from. This is a series that I think will resonate with all of us, especially our friends who maybe don’t normally come to church. This is a perfect time to invite someone to join you, so I hope you will do that.
This weekend, I also want to celebrate Easter. It was an incredible morning of worship. I am so grateful to all of our 120 plus volunteers, all the new people that visited, and all of you that decided to worship with us. If you missed it or want to share it, you can watch it here. I am grateful to KSDK news for doing a story on our Easter offering and the Literacy Project (you can watch or share it here). 100% of our offering is going to fund the Literacy Project along with some special needs at each of our partner schools. If you didn’t get a chance to give, it is not too late. You can still give to the Easter offering online.
Enjoy this Friday. I can’t wait for this weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.
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