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Do More Of This To Avoid Burnout // M-Note 4.28.23

God practiced Sabbath, a weekly rhythm of 6 days of work and 1 day of rest. God gives this rhythm of life to us as a gift and commands us to keep it. We are not created for 24/7 work, but instead we are made to rest. Burnout so often happens when we do not live as we were created to live. But, recently a friend confessed to me, “Matt, if we aren’t supposed to do anything on the Sabbath, then what are we supposed to do!” It is a great question. So, what should a day of Sabbath be? There are five activities that we should prioritize on a Sabbath day that help us stay spiritually and emotionally healthy. These are activities that typically get short-changed during the week, and yet we need them for rejuvenation and renewal.  So, what should we prioritize on the Sabbath?
1.     God over Self
2.     Relationships over Responsibilities
3.     Boredom over Busyness
4.     Enjoyment over Productivity
5.     Present over Future
This weekend in worship, I will unpack each of these priorities and talk about practical ways that a Sabbath day can address and prevent burnout in our lives. It is going to be an important message with practical ways that you can begin a healthier weekly rhythm in your life.
All of us know people in our lives that are moving a million miles an hour and perhaps heading toward burnout. This is THE WEEK to invite them. I hope you will send them a text or give them a call and ask them to join you. I will see you Sunday in worship and have a great weekend.

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