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Early Summer Celebrations // M-Note 6.2.23

As the school year winds down, I wanted to share some news about The Gathering’s Literacy Project.

The Gathering wants to make a difference not just inside our church but more so in our community. One way we do that is through our Literacy Project, partnering with local schools to provide reading support for students, as well as support for teachers, staff, and the communities those schools serve.

Each Easter, we’ve given 100% of our offering to fund our Literacy Project which currently supports three local elementary schools. But for this past Easter, we wanted to do something special. In addition to funding our Literacy Project, we wanted to bless each school by funding a specific need. Throughout this past lent, we heard from each of the principals from our three partner schools, and they shared with us their hopes for their particular school and what they’d be able to do if extra funding was available.

We wanted to raise enough money this Easter to be able to fund all of these projects, and because of your generosity, we were able to do that. We raised over $90,000 on Easter!

A few weeks ago, our Literacy Project Director Michelle Burford and Beth McClure were able to deliver a check to one of those schools - Washington Elementary - for $10,000! Principal Pamela Hollins had expressed a wish to add a smartboard to the school’s library and to upgrade their STEM lab, and because of your generosity, we were able to make this happen. This space is not only important to the school and will make a difference to the students, but this is a space that the community is able to use as well.
Thanks to your generosity, we were able to do this for Washington as well as fund projects at our other two schools, which we will celebrate in the weeks to come. Because of your generosity, we are making a difference in our city.

Also, I wanted to celebrate that our Director of Worship Ryan Hebel is beginning a summer sabbatical. You won’t see him around worship this summer, but he is taking time for renewal, learning, resting, and being with his family (read about it in his own words here). Ryan has been with The Gathering for 10 years, and we are happy to support him in this way. We’ll be excited to welcome him back in the fall.

This weekend, I’ll be ending our series Faith Like A Child. It’s been great to see so many of you in worship. Between now and then, I mentioned recently that I'll be running the KT82 Trail Relay. The race is tomorrow, which is also forecasted to be the hottest day of the year, so say a prayer for me, and I’ll see you in church on Sunday!


P.S. As you travel this summer, don’t forget to worship with us online. You can do that through the app or on our website. It really makes a difference when you stay connected.
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