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Let's Talk About... // M-Note 7.28.23

Are there questions or topics you wish the church would talk about, but that most churches just seem to ignore? Maybe it is a thorny theological question, like war in the Bible or heaven and hell. Maybe it is a hot button social or political issue - there are plenty of those. Maybe it is practical everyday life struggles, like mental health or parenting. Or, maybe it is a question that hits on the church’s own missteps and mistakes through the centuries. If you or your friends have certain topics that you wish the church would talk about, then our next sermon series is for you!
In August, I will begin a series called Let's Talk About…
And, I need you to help me fill in the blank. Let me know the questions or topics you or your friends who don’t go to church would love to hear about. You can give me your response here or by going to our App and hitting the Let’s Talk About tab at the top. I am going to pick five of the topics, and we will talk about them over the next month. This is your chance to let me know what is on your mind and what you want to hear about. No topic is too big or small, and no question too weird or obscure.
This series is going to be a lot of fun, but it is also important. I always say that we do not ask you to check your brain at the door when you come to church here. We want The Gathering to be a place where you can bring your hard questions, not hide them. The Gathering is a community where we want to talk about anything, and where we don’t ignore serious questions or issues just because they are hard. So let me know what you want to talk about. Each week I will announce ahead of time what topic I’ve chosen. Not only do I hope you will be in worship, but also think about people you know who will be interested in each topic. This is a perfect series to invite a friend to check out. I can’t wait to see what you will throw at me!
This weekend, I will be finishing our series #blessed. It has been an incredible month of worship. I appreciate all the feedback on the messages and it has been powerful to hear from 4 different non-profit organizations that are doing meaningful work in the city. We have given away $5,000 to each organization for a total of $20,000 just this month. We couldn’t do that without your generosity to The Gathering week in and week out. Thank you.
Stay inside if you can today. Have a great weekend and you don’t want to miss this Sunday as we finish #blessed. It is going to be great. If you want to catch up or share this series, you can find all the messages here. See you in church.
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