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"Should I Make My Kids Go to Church?" // M-Note 8.12.23

I often get emails from parents whose kids suddenly express doubt in God or resistance to going to church. Teenagers often question the faith they were raised in, or even reject it all together. Parents of adult kids will regularly ask me how they can foster faith in their uninterested children and grandchildren. Many of us have a partner or spouse that doesn’t believe in God or has very little interest in faith. It is hard when you value something so much, and yet those close to you do not. It is discouraging when despite your best efforts to teach your kids faith, they end up questioning or rejecting it. Many of us wonder if there is anything we can do to encourage those we love to prioritize faith or come to church?
I get it. I am a pastor, but I am also a husband and a parent of three young adults. Even though they all have been raised in the church, they have each reacted and responded to that journey differently. This weekend at The Gathering, we are continuing our series Let’s Talk About…, where each week I am discussing questions or topics that you suggested. Many people are wrestling with how to handle family members and kids who believe differently than they do. This Sunday’s topic is: Should I make my Kids go to Church and other Faith and Family Dynamics. I will talk about how we can best connect with our kids (both young or grown) and other family members who express doubt or disinterest in faith.
I know that a lot of us are dealing with this question, but we also know people who are struggling with this as well. Invite them to join you this weekend as I believe the message is one they will benefit from hearing. The Gathering has a lot of momentum as we head towards the end of summer. Thank you to all of you that have been making worship part of your weekly routine. Have a great weekend, and I will see you Sunday.
P.S. We are working to simplify and improve our online worship experience. You can worship online here, and all of our sermons can be found on our website and YouTube channel. If you are experiencing problems, please reach out to our Online Pastor Madi Denton, and she will help you stay connected wherever you are.

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