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The Gathering's Golden Birthday (17 on the 17th) // M-Note 9.8.23

September 17 is The Gathering’s golden birthday, meaning we’ve been worshiping together for 17 years! I still remember the first worship service in our old McCausland site, on September 17, 2006. There was no air conditioning (brutal), no cross on the wall (we were still building it), and no technology to speak of (someone held a projector on their lap with song lyrics). It was rough around the edges, but it was clear that God was moving in a unique way. As 288 people gathered, we worshiped together for the first time. No one really knew where this all would lead, and the journey has been far greater than anything we could have imagined.
A few months ago, I was speaking with my longtime friend Mike Wilcox. He was part of the original launch team that helped to take the church from idea to reality. He reminded me of the strength and dedication of that small, original team: all the work, prayers, and time that people invested to make The Gathering a reality. And it was a lot. Their dedication in those early days still inspires me.
Over the years, so many of you have called The Gathering home, served in the ministry, and contributed to the growth. All of you have played a critical role in what God has created here, and we want to celebrate that.
On September 17, 2023, I hope that all of you who have ever been a part of The Gathering or called this church yours will come to worship with us. It is going to be a great day of celebrating, remembering, and, most importantly, looking forward to what is ahead. Additionally, most of you found your way to The Gathering because someone invited you. This is a great day for YOU to invite someone else. They can be part of the next 17 years of what God will do with this church.
Serving The Gathering and being your pastor is the greatest privilege of my life. Thank you so much for the ways you have supported our church, and me, over these 17 years. I am grateful for each of you, and I can’t wait to celebrate with you.

P.S. - In the meantime, this Sunday, September 10, we’ll start a new series, Inside Voice, about the power of having an active relationship with the Holy Spirit. I hope to see you there, as well.
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