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17 Memorable Moments at The Gathering // M-Note 9.16.23

This weekend is The Gathering’s golden birthday. We will turn 17 on September 17th. In honor of this milestone, I thought I would share 17 of my most memorable moments here at The Gathering.
1. The time I had to sit on the floor during an Easter service at Webster because both the sanctuary and overflow room were full.
2. The Sunday I preached a message via video from the site of the very first well that The Gathering funded in Mozambique (Gondola Training Center).
3. 10th anniversary worship festival at Tower Grove Park
4. The Sunday when nearly 100 people came forward at all three sites to be baptized.
5. The time I got up to pray over communion and break the bread only to realize the volunteers had accidentally used a large sugar cookie instead. Everyone that evening received a much sweeter version of communion.
6. The time that someone’s hair caught on fire during the singing of Silent Night on Christmas Eve.
7. The funeral I preached for Jack Harbison, the man who helped make our Clayton site possible and a true saint of the church.
8. The Sunday I took a risk and preached for the first time about LGBTQ inclusion in the church during the Birds, The Bees, and The Bible series.
9. The Sunday that only 17 people showed up for Sunday worship because of a foot of fresh snow.
10.  The donut wall (and the ensuing mess) at the first worship service at the new McCausland site.
11.  The time I got pulled over while driving from McCausland to Webster to preach a morning service (in the Webster parking lot).
12.  The Christmas Eve that I completely lost my voice. Thank God for video.
13.  The wiffle ball tournament we hosted for kids at Kingdom House (now LifeWise STL) where MVP Chris Carpenter came out to pitch.
14.  The day that the principal of Laclede Elementary, one of our Literacy Project partners, invited me to come pray for her staff over the school intercom.
15.  All of the baptisms, weddings, and funerals that people have allowed me to be a part of.
16.  The countless conversations I have had after church in the lobby with people who have come to The Gathering for the first time.  
17.  Tomorrow. Because the most exciting part of our history is what God is about to do right now!
I am truly blessed to get to serve this church and I can’t wait to celebrate 17 years with all of you this weekend. I will see you on Sunday.

P.S. Some of our most memorable (and important) moments as a church come when we’re out and about in the community, getting to know people and inviting them to get to know Jesus. You can help us do that next weekend by volunteering at our booth at Tower Grove Pride.
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