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Inside Voice - Week Three Discussion Guide

Eleanor Roosevelt once said "Do one thing everyday that scares you. Those small things that make us uncomfortable help us build courage to do the work we do.” It was a bold way to look at stepping outside of a comfort zone.  That isn't easy for all of us.  Taking a leap of faith can be downright frightening, but sometimes those leaps lead to wonderful things.

Icebreaker - Have you ever felt compelled to step outside of your comfort zone only to find yourself in a better place?    

If you feel comfortable, share with the group a time when you stepped outside of that comfort zone and found something special. For example, it could be something like an introduction leading to a meaningful relationship; or a declaration to a safe friend on exactly who you are inside leading to peace and freedom; or maybe it could be that time you led a small bible study in college and it resulted in building a church.

Over the last couple weeks, we have been talking about how the Holy Spirit nudges us.  Sometimes those nudges lead us toward the "fire" of refining our faith.  Sometimes those nudges are subtle in ways to kickstart our hearts towards seeking advice on an issue.  Other times, those nudges are more comforting.  This week is different and mysterious.  This week we are focused on the Holy Spirit as a disruptor!  Hold on to those bibles, because this week we are examining when the Holy Spirit nudges far outside of that comfort zone.  

But first, let's start with a prayer:
God, Thank you for bringing our group together today.  Thank you for helping us create a safe space to talk about our faith and life issues.  We ask that you bless our conversation and guide us in ways to be great listeners and compassionate friends.  In Your name we pray, Lord, amen.

The Head
Our scripture readings today are taken from four different areas in the Bible that demonstrate times when the Holy Spirit was a disruptor.  

Genesis 1:2 - Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

Ezekiel 37:9-10 - He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, human one! Say to the breath, The Lord God proclaims: Come from the four winds, breath! Breathe into these dead bodies and let them live.”  I prophesied just as he commanded me. When the breath entered them, they came to life and stood on their feet, an extraordinarily large company.

John 3:8 - The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.

Acts 2:1-3 - When Pentecost Day arrived, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound from heaven like the howling of a fierce wind filled the entire house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be individual flames of fire alighting on each one of them.

  • Discuss the use of wind as a means to disrupt.
  • In Genesis, it is written that the Holy Spirit played a role in creation.  What did the Holy Spirit disrupt?
  • In Ezekiel, the Holy Spirit is pivotal in creating a vision to demonstrate God's plan to restore the nation of Israel.  The vision is scary, marvelous, and quite disruptive.  What did the Holy Spirit disrupt?
  • In John, this account is taken from a conversation Jesus had with a leader named Nicodemus.  This is a powerful conversation in which Jesus explains that the nature of salvation is through belief and that the Holy Spirit is always around us.  How is the Holy Spirit disrupting in this sense? 
  • In Acts, this is a time when the Disciples of Jesus are in hiding because they are unsure of what to do next without Jesus by their side.   What did the Holy Spirit disrupt?
  • Which of these illustrations of the Holy Spirit most resonates with you in this season of your life?

The Heart
  • In our Bible readings this week, we learn that the Holy Spirit's disruption can lead to creation, hope, salvation, and courage.  That's quite a mix of encouraging results.  One might say that the returns on that kind of investment is a boost to one's spiritual portfolio.  What, if any  other positive attributes or results come to mind when reading the passages above?   
  • It may seem odd to think of the Holy Spirit as a disruptor.  Odd in that the Holy Spirit, our trusty inner voice, can and does encourage us in radical ways.  
  • What are the most scary things about stepping outside of a comfort zone or into an uncertain future?  What are some ways in which we can counter those fears? 
  • The imagery that Genesis 1:2 creates is simply astounding.  It's a moment in time, just before the disruption begins, when the Holy Spirit is present and just hovering over the waters.  One may imagine absolute peace and quiet;  just presence.  It's a powerful example of maybe taking a moment, when needed, to pause before taking a leap of faith to be in communion with God.  How does that resonate with you?  How might  a pause like that help or hinder in alleviating  the fears you may have with the newness of something?         

The Hands
The Hands section of our curriculum is typically reserved for next steps or suggestions to move forward in the week ahead.  This week is incredibly simple in theory.  Identify something disruptive that the Holy Spirit may be asking you to do.  Maybe write that disruption down and share it with someone you trust.  Now once it is identified, visualize what it would look like if you committed yourself to it.  Would you be able to adopt a "can do'' attitude?  Could you seek the challenge? And could you keep going?  God is with you, I promise.  

Closing Prayer    
Hey God, We give our thanks and praise for blessing us with your Spirit of disruption.  We thank you for challenging us in ways to bless others.  Please forgive us when we fall short and open our eyes and hearts to your Spirit.  Help us to find ways to be courageous and mindful of your plans.  It is in your holy name that we pray, God, Amen.    

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