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Making a Difference Beyond St. Louis // M-Note 9.30.23

Yesterday, I, along with many of our staff, returned from the Leadership Institute, a large United Methodist conference hosted each year by Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City. This year, more than 1000 leaders from around the country gathered to worship, learn, and connect with one another.

I had the opportunity to teach two sessions of a workshop entitled "Burnout: Sabbath, Rest, and Spiritually Healthy Leadership" to about 200 people. I also taught a featured session on "Creating a Culture of Generosity." Finally, I got to see a physical copy of my new book The Methodist Book of Prayer for the first time! It is a daily devotional meant to be used by people anywhere, including those new to church, leaders, and even pastors. It is officially out November 7.
The week was packed. Our own staff was energized as they had time to dream and imagine the future of their ministries. For me, the week was an important reminder that what you are doing at The Gathering matters far beyond these walls. The church God is creating here is inspiring and influencing a lot of other churches around the country, offering them hope as they seek to reach new people and create their own churches that welcome everyone in their communities. So, thank you. Everytime you come to worship, show up in a CoreGroup, decide to serve, and are moved to give, you are helping to make a difference far beyond St. Louis. I am grateful for all of you.
P.S. This weekend, I will be finishing our series Inside Voice: A Study of the Holy Spirit. I will also be asking for your prayers as I prepare to travel along with a small group to Mozambique this Thursday. I will talk more about that trip in worship. I hope to see you there!
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