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Hold These Truths Discussion Guide - Week 3
by Christopher Burford and Denee Bowers on October 20th, 2024
WelcomeWelcome, friends.  This is the third and final week of the series called “We Hold These Truths: Centering Jesus in a Divisive Political Season.”   In the first week, we discussed the two myths which incorrectly suggested that Jesus was not political, and that Jesus was partisan.  Last week, we focused our attention on an important commandment that Jesus gave which was to love God with our w...  Read More
Fear is a Powerful Motivator // M-Note 10.19.24
by Matt Miofsky on October 18th, 2024
This week, I received a note about our current series Hold These Truths: Centering Jesus in a Divisive Political Season. The person (who happens to be engaged with politics and people on both sides of the aisle) shared with me how much fear there is ahead of this upcoming election. She is right. Fear, anxiety, and even panic are at an all-time high. People are scared about what the results of the ...  Read More
Hold These Truths Discussion Guide - Week 2
by Denee Bowers and Christopher Burford on October 12th, 2024
WelcomeAs the election draws closer the appearance of political signs in yards and windows is becoming more and more common. Raise your hand if you’ve ever judged your neighbor based on their political signs….just kidding! You don’t have to raise your hand. Lets just trust that most of us have done this once or twice. This week we will shift our views from political issues and look at how Jesus wa...  Read More
Love Thy Political Neighbor // M-Note 10.11.2024
by Matt Miofsky on October 11th, 2024
Last weekend, I began a new sermon series, Hold These Truths: Centering Jesus in a Divisive Political season. I talked about two myths we often hold when it comes to Jesus and politics. It was an important message given the season so if you missed it, I really hope that you will listen or share it here. Some believe that Jesus is not political, and therefore politics has no place in the church. Th...  Read More
Hold These Truths Discussion Guide - Week 1
by Christopher Burford and Denee Bowers on October 6th, 2024
WelcomeThis week, we begin a new series called “Hold These Truths: Centering Jesus in a Divisive Political Season.” The series is timely as we head into the November election season. It is safe to say at this point that we are being totally inundated with mailings, emails, social media posts, commercials, and water cooler talks with friends, family, and coworkers. It may be hard to find gentle thi...  Read More
It Doesn't Have to Be This Way // M-Note 10.5.24
by Matt Miofsky on October 5th, 2024
Like many of you, I watched the vice-presidential debate this past week. Even if you only saw clips on TikTok or Instagram, you likely heard or saw that the tone was different. On several occasions, the opposing candidates talked to each other, agreed with one another, and even offered the other candidate words of kindness. While some people cynically warned not to overstate the seemingly kind ton...  Read More




