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Jesus vs. Christianity: Week 2
by Denee Bowers on September 18th, 2021
It is one thing to follow Jesus, it is another to be a follower.  Read More
M-Note 9.17.2021
by Mike DePope on September 17th, 2021
On the morning of September 17, 2006, I woke up at 5am, got dressed, drove to church, and went into the sanctuary to practice my sermon out loud. It was the very first public worship service for a new church called The Gathering, and I was nervous. Along with a small group of people, I heard a call to start a new church in the city that would be compelling for new generations of people. But, visio...  Read More
Jesus vs. Christianity: Week 1
by Denee Bowers on September 11th, 2021
Welcome to week one of Jesus vs. Christianity! In this series we will look at some of the ways the Church has gotten it wrong by drifting from the teachings of Jesus.   Read More
M-Note 9.10.2021
by Mike DePope on September 10th, 2021
A couple of days ago, I made an offer that I sort of regretted. Martin Leathers, the Student Pastor here at The Gathering, is training for a marathon. His training cycle is just now peaking, so he has some long runs to do. Off-handedly, I said, “Hey, if you ever need company on some of your long runs, I’d be happy to run part of them with you.” Without missing a beat, he took me up on the offer. T...  Read More
Gospel of Luke Reading Plan
by Denee Bowers on September 10th, 2021
As we explore the vision and teachings of Jesus over the course of this 5 week sermon series, we invite you to spend time reading through the Gospel of Luke using the following plan. Maybe you’ve never read a Gospel all the way through before. Or, maybe you have but it’s been a long time. No matter your background, we believe there is opportunity for fresh perspective on Jesus when we take time to...  Read More
Fall 2021 Kick Off - Romans 12
by Denee Bowers on September 4th, 2021
Opening Prayer:God, Your mercies and grace renew daily. We ask that the same be true for our perspective this season. Give us a freshness, that we may experience this fellowship differently. We pray that the presence of your Holy Spirit will overflow and saturate our discussions. Thank you for creating us in your likeness. Our prayer is that this divine imprint will help us to love you with all ou...  Read More



