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Advent Devotional - Day 8
by Denee Bowers on December 6th, 2020
Sunday, December 6The Second Sunday of AdventEvery Sunday during Advent we invite you to join us in lighting an Advent wreath in your home. These wreaths can be elaborate parts of your Christmas decor, or they can simply be four candles gathered from around the house (Pinterest is full of inspiration).Traditionally, many families light their Advent candle at dinnertime or during an evening quiet t...  Read More
Advent Devotional - Day 7
by Denee Bowers on December 5th, 2020
Saturday, December 5Romans 8:18-39My very favorite Christmas tradition is my father’s annual rendition of “O Holy Night.” In my childhood, the pinnacle of Christmas Eve would be my father singing this beautiful song as my Aunt Leslie played the piano. Traditions are forced to evolve as we grow and, in recent years, my father belted out “O Holy Night” during car rides home from family parties and e...  Read More
Advent Devotional - Day 6
by Denee Bowers on December 4th, 2020
Friday, December 4Colossians 1:25-29 When I was younger, there were two Christmas presents that I was most excited about opening. (And no, neither of them were the inevitable underwear we’d find in our stockings. Thanks Santa…) The first was whatever big present I’d asked for, which I got about half the time. The other was batteries, because more often than not, my presents were going to need batt...  Read More
Advent Devotional - Day 5
by Denee Bowers on December 3rd, 2020
Thursday, December 31 Peter 1:3-5Growing up I went on a lot of canoe trips with my family. We would pack up the canoe with ice chests with drinks and food, bags with extra clothes and equipment, and if we were going over night we’d include a tent. I learned on these adventures that one of the most important things on a canoe trip isn’t your water shoes or your ice chest or even your paddle. Instea...  Read More
Advent Devotional - Day 4
by Denee Bowers on December 2nd, 2020
Wednesday, December 2Hebrews 10:23Hold on to HopeJesus is our strong foundation. Our anchor who grounds and steadies us throughout life’s storms and tempests.As I look ahead, like you, I know Christmas for my family will be drastically different. Typically, my large extended family of about 50 people or so gather in a banquet hall for Christmas breakfast, exchanging gifts, sharing celebrations and...  Read More
Advent Devotional - Day 3
by Denee Bowers on December 1st, 2020
Tuesday, December 1Micah 7:6-8Every generation has expectations or ways of doing things that might seem strange to the ones that came before. Change seems part and parcel with being human, and it’s often very healthy. Still, there are tenacious norms, patterns that many say “should” exist, or that have long been consistent throughout years and centuries.In this passage, the prophet Micah describes...  Read More



