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How Would Jesus Vote? // M-Note 10.30.2020
by Amy Sanders on October 30th, 2020
Gathering,Two weeks ago today, I voted early for the upcoming election. Even then, I waited nearly an hour in line along with hundreds of other people. I didn’t mind the wait. I consider it a privilege to participate in a democracy through voting. Historically at least, this is a rare right and one that I don’t take lightly. People often speculate how Jesus would vote. They argue over whether or n...  Read More
Intentional, Deliberate, and Disciplined // M-Note 10.23.2020
by Amy Sanders on October 23rd, 2020
Gathering,I have a brother two years younger than me. Growing up we were always close. We would play video games together, basketball, ride bikes, and even box in the front yard (we only had one pair of gloves so I would get the left and he would get the right). While we went to different colleges, we stayed close. After school, he moved in with Jessica and me to live with us for a while before ge...  Read More
A Prayer for Resiliency // M-Note 10.16.2020
by Amy Sanders on October 16th, 2020
Gathering, This morning, I went to Laclede Elementary School where I prayed with teachers, administrators, and staff. As one of our partner schools, they are preparing to receive students on Monday. But, we were there for a more tragic reason, as well. Last week, Doryan Bryant, a smart, resourceful, and gifted student in our literacy project, was shot and killed along with her mother. Her death im...  Read More
Looking Ahead // M-Note 10.9.2020
by Amy Sanders on October 9th, 2020
Gathering,We continue to forge ahead in a year where nothing has been predictable. Since March, The Gathering has been worshiping online due to coronavirus. This summer, I updated the congregation, letting you know that we would worship online through September. I ended that note promising that I would update you this fall! Well, fall is here! I owe you an update. Recently, I’ve had conversations ...  Read More
Getting Your Head On Straight // M-Note 10.2.2020
by Dave Merrill on October 2nd, 2020
Dear Gathering, Last Wednesday, Dave Merrill, Ryan Hebel, and I drove out to the city where I grew up. We visited a few farms for a video project we are working on at the church. In the morning, we arrived at a home that sits high above the Missouri river. Owned by an older couple that I have known since I was a kid, the house dates back to right around the Civil War and is surrounded by barns, a ...  Read More
Vacation Reflections // M-Note 8.7.2020
by Dave Merrill on September 28th, 2020
My trip away didn’t give me any dramatic insights or great awakenings, but I thought I’d share a few things that rose to the top as I spent time with myself, my family, and God. In no particular order:  Read More



