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CoreGroup Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide
Starting Your New CoreGroup Is as Easy as 1-2-3

1. Decide on the details of your group. You’ve decided to start a CoreGroup, now it’s time to make some decisions.
  • Choose a day of the week, time, location and meeting method that works well for your schedule and comfort level. You can opt for virtual meetings, in-person (if safe to do so), or a hybrid of both.
  • Select a category of group. Your group may form around a life stage, demographic category, or be open to all.
  • Come up with a group name and description. This is a chance to recruit new members to your group! This name and description will be used on The Gathering App as well as the website to promote your group to individuals looking for a group.  Write a compelling description!  Share when you meet, where you meet (doesn't need to be the exact address), who you are, and why you meet.

We recommend working through the My CoreGroup Details, form as you are making decisions. Once you complete and submit your form your group is official!

2. Start inviting members. The Gathering will be matching people who sign up for CoreGroups with new/existing groups that are a good fit, but one of the best ways to ensure that your group fills up is by personally inviting friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors.

3. Chat with us. If you haven’t already, you’ll soon be hearing from a CoreGroup Coach. Need ideas? Hit a roadblock? Is something going on in your group you need help thinking through? They are here to offer personal assistance along the way, so be sure to get back to them to begin building a relationship that will inspire and encourage you in this new adventure.

See? Easy peasy! After completing these three steps, you will be well on your way and you can begin to prepare for a fantastic CoreGroup!



