Lenten Devotional // Second Sunday

Sunday, March 13
THE PRACTICE OF WORSHIP by Sabra Engelbrecht


Worship is a foundational part of our relationship with God; however, many of us miss the significance of worship, believing it is an optional, even unnecessary aspect of our faith life. It is easy to think of worship as something we go to, or watch (when we feel like it). We say things like, “Worship was awesome today”, or “Worship didn’t really do anything for me today.” These statements miss the purpose of worship. Worship isn’t consuming content. Instead, it is a heartfelt response to a God who is continually drawing us into a love relationship. How we show up and participate in worship matters to God.

Worship is both an individual practice and a communal experience. We worship God in our daily lives through simple acts of acknowledgment, adoration, service, and gratitude. And, we gather together weekly to praise God through singing, prayer, and a shared meal. It can be easy to swing one way or the other. Some of us look forward to the shared experience of Sunday worship but we neglect intentional, personal worship of God throughout the week. Others of us are more inclined to worship privately, forgetting God calls people to community, and our presence in corporate worship plays an important role in creating that community. This is why Worship is one of the Five Shared Practices of The Gathering. Whether in-person or online, the attitude with which you show up and participate in the building up of the Body of Christ through worship matters deeply to God.


Holy God, the deepest desire of my heart is to worship you. Draw me into your presence and may my spirit respond to your love with praise and thanksgiving.

A practice to try this week:

Throughout this week make time each day for intentional, private worship of God. On Sunday, attend a worship service. Notice your posture and attitude. Is it one of generosity and adoration?

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