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M-Note 3.24.2022

Are we Back or is Something Still Missing?

by Matt Miofsky

Last week I had the honor of teaching and speaking to a group of Methodist pastors in Arkansas for two days in person! Last Friday and Saturday, I drove Carly and George down to Springfield to watch the Webster Groves boy and girls basketball teams play in the State Tournament. Carly is the varsity boys manager and they won it all! Then this week, I attended a learning event where I got to soak up wisdom from some other pastors. That is more traveling than I have done in two years, and it felt good.
In a lot of ways, it feels like we are back. On my social media, I see people on spring break trips, and folks going to concerts and sporting events. Some of you are finally done working at home, restaurants are full, and activities are piling up. But alongside so many things “coming back”, I have noticed something else. There are many of you that feel like there is still something different, something that is missing.
Some of my favorite moments in worship over the past few months have been the times that folks have come up to me and said, “This is my first time back in person!” I get genuinely excited every time someone says this to me and I love seeing the joy in people who suddenly have rediscovered something that is beautiful, meaningful, and uplifting. Worship is so simple, and yet when we haven’t done it for a while, we forget how life-giving it can be.
For many of us, faith, a connection with God is something that has been missing over the past several years. And even though so much in our life is returning, we haven’t reconnected spiritually yet. If that is you, well you aren’t the only one. But the good news is, The Gathering wants to help you find what is missing in your life.
This Easter, The Gathering will celebrate worship in person on April 16 and 17 at multiple services at all of our sites. Because so many of us have missed worship as part of our rhythm, we want to invite you back to celebrate Christ’s offer of new life. Along with that, The Gathering has always existed for people who don’t know how powerful faith can be in their life. Right now, there are so many people I know that previously were turned off to faith, but now are wondering if perhaps connecting with God can offer them what they are looking for.
You know people like this as well, and right now is the best time to think about those people in your life. As you do that, I want to ask you one simple favor – invite them to join you for Easter worship. Don’t just tell them about it, post it somewhere, or wait for them to ask, but invite them to meet you at one of our 6 services. It is an invitation that could change their life, and yours. All the details for Easter times and locations are at the link below, and you can share this via text or online.
I believe this Easter is going to be the best one yet at The Gathering. Do you know why? Because so many of us feel like something is still missing in life, and in Christ, we can find what we are looking for. I can’t wait to see you. If it is your first time back, make sure to tell me!
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