OPEN Anniversary: Part 1

OPEN Anniversary
Part 1
We have heard all of the phrases “walk the walk”, “talk the talk”, “fake it until you make it”, “go with the flow”- we could go on and on. All of these sayings give us an excuse to skim the surface and avoid digging deep into our faith. This week, we are Invited by Jesus’ words to Isaiah to pause and reflect on what it means to open up to God’s word. 

Opening Prayer: God, thank you for bringing us here today to learn and grow together. We are thankful for this opportunity to connect with each other, and to connect with you. Please open our hearts and our minds to hear your voice today. In your son’s name we pray, Amen.

Ice Breaker: If you could bottle one scent, what would it be and why?

The Head:
This is why I speak to them in parables: “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.
14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:“‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
15 For this people’s heart has become calloused  they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes,  hear with their ears,understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’[a]
16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.
  1. Read Matthew 13:13-17. What words or phrases jump out to you? What questions does it leave you with? 

  1. Just before this section, Jesus shares the Parable of the Sower with a huge crowd of people (see Matthew 13:1-9). He finishes the story by proclaiming, “Let anyone with ears listen!” What do you think he means by this? Why would Jesus use this phrase after sharing this foundational parable with the crowd of people?

  1. According to verse 13:13, why does Jesus talk in parables to these large groups of people? What do we learn about the people and their understanding of Jesus?

  1. In verses 13:14-15 Jesus shares a quote from the Prophet Isaiah (see Isaiah 6:9-10). In fact, Jesus states that these people are actually a fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy. What does he mean by this and what are the implications? Why is this significant? 

The Heart:

  1. Share a time when you felt listened to, but not really heard. Or perhaps a time when you felt seen but not really understood. How did those experiences impact you?

  1. Verse 13:15 says that the “people’s hearts have turned dull.” What does this mean? Describe a time when it felt like your heart had turned dull. 

  1. In verses 13:16-17 Jesus is talking just to his disciples. Imagine that Jesus is speaking these words directly to you. What emotions does that evoke? Do you feel inspired and hopeful? Or do you feel intimidated and overwhelmed? What do we do with that?

The Hands:

  1. If you feel comfortable, share one situation in your life right now where you need to open yourself to really hearing, understanding, and/or perceiving the direction God is leading you. What support do you need to develop a mindset of openness to God’s prompting? How can your CoreGroup be praying for you?

  1. If you feel comfortable, share one situation in your life right now where you need to open yourself to really hearing, understanding, and/or perceiving the thoughts and opinions of another person. What support do you need to develop a mindset of openness in this particular relationship? How can your CoreGroup be praying for you?

Call to Action: What are you feeling God is calling you to do? In the coming week, take note of the places in your life that feel the most open and the places that feel the most closed. As you move through your community - your work, your neighborhood, your school, your church, your shopping stores, your social venues, etc. - where do you feel God nudging you to be more open? Jot down these instances and share them with your group next time you meet.

Remember to check out the OPEN booklets and review it during this series. 

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