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The Power of Easter and Invitation // M-Note 3.24.23

This week, I was introduced to someone who told me that they had been to The Gathering a handful of times. I asked them how they heard about the church, and they told me that years ago, a friend invited them to our Easter worship service. The experience still stuck with them years later. For many at The Gathering, Easter was your introduction to our church. Someone invited you, and it made an impression. In fact, if any of you came to our church for the first time on an Easter Sunday, I would love for you to let me know. Drop me an email and let me know the story. I’d love to hear it!
It is hard to believe that Easter is only two weeks away. The Gathering is excited to be worshiping together as one church at Stifel Theatre on Easter Sunday, April 9th. The doors will open at 9:45am, and worship will begin at 10:30am. The music will be incredible, the energy inspiring, and the message hopeful. We will have a dedicated kid’s ministry experience for children through 5 years old, and kids are also welcome in the worship service. There will be plenty of parking, and for those with mobility issues, golf cart shuttles will bring you to the front door. There are still many opportunities to serve, so if you have flexibility and want to be a part of creating a meaningful experience for others, please check out the ways to serve.
As life picks up and spring begins, it is easy to get busy with our own lives and forget about what the people around us might be going through or dealing with. This week, I hope that you will take a moment to consider the people in your life and offer an invitation to someone to join you for Easter worship this year. You can also share the invitation online.
Worship has been wonderful lately, and I appreciate all of you that are invested in our church. This weekend, we will continue our series “Who is Jesus?” I will be talking about Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life. It is perhaps the most famous (and most controversial) of all of Jesus’ “I am” statements. I look forward to seeing all of you. Have a great weekend, and I will see you Sunday.
P.S. Last weekend in worship, we celebrated some highlights from The Gathering’s ministry from over the past year. We have also published our annual Impact Report for 2022. Check it out to learn more about how The Gathering has used the money given to make a difference in the lives of people this past year.
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