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What's your legacy? // M-Note 2.17.24

Part of our work here at the church is to do funeral services. There is something sobering and powerful about standing up and offering words to celebrate someone’s life. After every funeral I do, I can’t help but think, “What will they say about me?”
That might sound strange, but I think it is a question we all wonder about. What will people remember about you? What will they say when they gather to celebrate our life? These questions matter because they point to our legacy. All of us want to make a difference. All of us want our lives to matter. All of us want to make an impact on other people and the world we live in. We all want to leave a legacy. But some of us are more intentional about it than others.
This weekend, we will be concluding our Money Talks series. We have been talking about how our faith impacts our finances. We’ve discussed the dangers of debt, what it means to save wisely, spend more intentionally, and the power of living simply. But perhaps the most overlooked part of our financial lives is the legacy we will leave. Our money can be a great stressor in our lives, but it can also be a great source of blessing to the people and things we care about. This weekend, I will talk about how we can use what we have been given to leave a legacy for the people and causes we care about. It is an important conversation regardless of age, so I hope you will be there.
In a little over a week, The Gathering will host our second annual BEYOND conference. We will bring together over 150 pastors from around the country. Part of what makes The Gathering unique is our commitment to talk about Jesus, take the Bible seriously, and invite people into a relationship with Jesus while also extending that welcome to all people. BEYOND is a chance to pull together like-minded churches and talk about how we can be communities that are both evangelical (in the best and true sense of the word) and welcoming to all. Pulling off a conference like this is a big undertaking, so please pray for our church and all who will come to BEYOND. You can sign up here if you want to volunteer.
Enjoy the last vestiges of winter because spring is coming fast. Enjoy your Saturday, and I will see you tomorrow in worship.
P.S. If you missed the news, The Gathering will have Easter 2024 at The Factory. We are really excited about this brand-new venue. We will have two worship times at 9 and 10:45am. There is easy parking, the building is new and accessible, and we will have an awesome space for kids ministry. Most of all, we have a lot of seats! So start sharing the word with family and friends, and plan to join us for Easter at The Factory on March 31.

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