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Updates from Clayton and Easter Invitation // M-Note 3.2.24

If you haven’t been to the Clayton site lately, there is A LOT of exciting stuff happening. As one church that meets in three locations – no matter which site you attend – I want to celebrate each of our sites together, especially when good things are happening.

Just recently, Ellie Sanazaro joined the Clayton team as the new Gathering Kids Site Leader! She and her family have been attending The Gathering for a little over two years and she led kids ministry at our Webster site for one of those years.

Also, starting in just a few weeks, Claire Krober will begin as the new worship leader for our Clayton Site! She studied worship arts and theology at Greenville University and is currently earning her Masters in Worship Studies at the Robert Webber Institute for Worship Studies.

Finally, Pastor Sarah Rugenstone, the Clayton Site Pastor is just about to celebrate her second anniversary at The Gathering!

With a complete team, renovated spaces, it’s an exciting time at Clayton. If you don’t go to that site regularly, I encourage you to visit one Sunday soon!

This weekend, our Lenten sermon series, Entourage: Characters in Jesus’ Crew, continues, and I will be talking about Judas, the most notorious of all the disciples, and maybe the most mysterious. We’ll cover betrayal, forgiveness, and what Judas’ story has to teach us about our own faith in Jesus. It’s a great Sunday to invite someone to join you.

Speaking of invitations, Easter Sunday is just a few short weeks away, and I hope you’re already thinking about who you want to invite to The Factory on March 31. We also need a ton of volunteers to pull off the two worship services. Please consider volunteering. And with two services, you can volunteer for one and worship with friends and/or family at the other!
Have a great weekend, and I look forward to seeing you in worship.
P.S. The Gathering’s second annual BEYOND conference this week was a huge success. Thanks to all of you who volunteered to help us welcome more than 150 church leaders from all over the country who came to learn what it means to be a progressive evangelical community that welcomes all people to follow Jesus. Check out photos from the event on the BEYOND Facebook page, and watch for us to be releasing videos of the keynote speakers over the next several weeks.
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