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Getting in the Habit: Worship // M-Note 8.24.24

This July was a busy one for my family. I took a couple of weeks off to spend time with my family before we moved Carly into her dorm last weekend for her freshman year in college. This meant that while I got to worship online, I was not present for in-person worship for three weeks in a row. For me, this is rare! I grew up in a family that went to church and have worked in churches as a pastor since I was 22 years old, so weekly worship is part of the rhythm of my life. And yet, I will admit, after taking just three weeks off, it was a little hard to get up for church last Sunday!
Weekly worship is the most basic of Christian practices. And yet, like most practices, it is something that is so hard to establish and so easy to fall out of the habit of doing. Many of us want worship to be a priority in our life, but life gets in the way. Kids activities, sleeping-in, brunch, out of town trips, and much needed down time all work against prioritizing weekly worship in our lives. I get it. And yet, my parents instilling in me the rhythm of weekly worship has been the greatest gift in my spiritual life.  
This weekend is going to be an important one at The Gathering. I am asking a favor of all of you that call The Gathering your church -- please be in worship this Sunday. If you live in the St. Louis area, come to one of our three sites in person. If you live out of the area, or are traveling, please worship online. We are going to finish our series Faith in Practice: How to Follow Jesus by talking about the gift of weekly worship.
I hope that this fall is a season where we commit or recommit to making worship part of our weekly rhythm of life. If you have never really made church a priority, maybe this is a time to start it. For all of us who have drifted from this practice, there is never a better time than now to make it part of our life again. It is going to be an important day for The Gathering, so I hope you will be there.
Have a great weekend, and I will see you in church.
P.S. Our CoreGroups and Wellness Groups are starting soon, and now is the time to sign up. I hope all of you will be in a Group (or Groups) this Fall. Finding one is as easy as checking out the App or website, and searching based on the day, type, or area of town you prefer, then clicking the "Request to Join" button. However, if that feels overwhelming, stop by the Groups Launch Party THIS SUNDAY at the McCausland Site to meet some leaders face to face, ask questions, and get personalized help finding a Group that is right for you.
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