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Why Wellness Groups? // M-Note 8.31.24

During our first few years of marriage, Jessica and I were going through a lot of transitions. We had moved to a new city, didn’t have a social network, had to be financially independent, and were adjusting to working full-time jobs and graduate school. It was a lot. Amidst that, we gave little attention to our marriage. We recognized that we needed help and wanted to focus on our relationship as we wrestled with this overwhelming amount of transition in our life. It was right around that time that a local church we attended offered a class on strengthening your marriage. We were unsure, but someone invited us to do it, and we took the risk and signed up. It was a blessing. We had the opportunity to connect with other couples in a similar boat, we learned skills that we could immediately apply in our marriage, and we left feeling like we were not alone. 

Last year, The Gathering launched our Wellness Groups. We recognized that so many of us are struggling with certain realities in our lives, yet many of us wrestle alone and do not see church as a place where we can seek help or share what we are going through. But, we want The Gathering to be a church where we do not have to struggle alone. We are a place where you can come to connect with others in similar situations, learn skills that you can apply immediately, and know that you are not alone. 

In September, we are launching seven Wellness Groups. Among them are groups for postpartum moms, folks struggling with church hurt, or those fighting cancer. Many can identify with one of these, and yet it is hard to admit it or to step out and join a group where we will talk about it with others. Many of us instead just struggle alone. But, isolation is the enemy of emotional and spiritual health. While tempting, struggling alone rarely leads us to a better place. Signing up for a group feels vulnerable and risky, but I encourage you to try it. And, these groups are by no means just for people already attending The Gathering, so please invite others in your life you may be struggling alone right now.

You can check out all of our Wellness Groups on our app or website and sign up there. If you don’t need that kind of a group right now, make sure to check out and sign up for a CoreGroup. Either way, find a way to grow in your faith alongside other people. It is a better way than trying to do everything alone.

I hope you have a great weekend. This Sunday is going to be a special one, so I hope to see you there, especially all of you that made your own commitment to make weekly worship a priority in your life!


P.S. If you missed my message from last week on the power and importance of weekly worship, I really encourage you to listen to it or share it here.
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