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Reflections from Mozambique // M-Note 10.21.23
by Beth McClure on October 21st, 2023
Last weekend, I, along with five others from The Gathering, returned from a trip to Mozambique. Thanks to all of you who prayed for us and followed our journey online. It was the first time we’d been able to return since the pandemic, and there was a lot for us to catch up on.Over a decade ago, The Gathering began a partnership with the United Methodist Church in Mozambique to provide wells for cl...  Read More
No Regrets - Week 3 Discussion Guide
by Sarah Turner on October 19th, 2023
CoreGroup Guide | No Regrets - Week ThreeGuide written by: Jenny Huffman and Sherrill WallWelcomeThis is the third week of our sermon series No Regrets: Moving Beyond Mistakes. In the first week we talked about Recognizing and naming our mistakes. In the second week we talked about Rethinking our mistakes and the concept of repentance. This week we move towards Repairing our mistakes. But what doe...  Read More
No Regrets - Week 2 Discussion Guide
by Sarah Turner on October 13th, 2023
Written by: Jenny Huffman & Sherrill WallPart 2 - Rethink ItLast week we started a new series called No Regrets: Moving Beyond Mistakes.  We began by acknowledging that we all make mistakes and that an important first step is to reckon with our responsibility.  The next essential element for moving beyond our mistakes is reflection and repentance.  WelcomeThis week we are challenged to consider th...  Read More
No Regrets - Week 1 Discussion Guide
by Sarah Turner on October 7th, 2023
CoreGroup Guide | No Regrets - Week OneWelcomeThis week we began a new sermon series called No Regrets: Moving Beyond Mistakes. The truth is, we all make mistakes. This is part of being human! But sometimes we struggle to recognize our mistakes, repair the damage done by our mistakes, learn from our mistakes, and move past our mistakes. That is what this sermon series is all about. These are not e...  Read More
My First Bible & A New Director of Kids Ministry // M-Note 10.6.23
by Beth McClure on October 6th, 2023
I still remember receiving my first Bible in church. We were called up on the stage, the pastor said something (I don’t remember what), and then they handed me a brand new Bible. When I got home, I took a red marker and wrote my name really large on the inside just to make sure everyone knew it was mine. I still have it on my bookshelf today, as does my wife Jess.I think some people believe readin...  Read More
Inside Voice - Week Four Discussion Guide
by Sarah Turner on September 30th, 2023
Week Four Discussion GuideIt has been written that "birds are something truly special. What other group of animals has such a widespread and beloved hobby dedicated to simply looking at them. There are birds on every continent and just about every human civilization that’s ever existed has grown up in a landscape filled with birds. It is no wonder, then, that so many cultures have assigned a great...  Read More




