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Day 20
by Denee Bowers on December 17th, 2021
Day 20Friday, December 17“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”1 Thessalonians 5:16-18ReflectionIn the NRSV translation of the Bible these verses contain the worlds always, without ceasing, and every situation. As much as I would like to be this holy, I’m fairly certain it is impossible. The expectation that any one of...  Read More
Day 19
by Denee Bowers on December 16th, 2021
Day 19Thursday, December 16“Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks.”Philippians 4:6ReflectionDon’t be anxious? Easier said than done! It is important to note that the Bible isn’t referring to clinical anxiety. We are talking about the type of self-imposed anxiety that comes from worrying, specifically ab...  Read More
Day 18
by Denee Bowers on December 15th, 2021
Today we read the words of an Old Testament prophet, offering hope to the Jewish people who had just been released from exile and were returning to Jerusalem. Does it sound familiar?   Read More
M-Note 12.14.2021
by Mike DePope on December 14th, 2021
by Matt Miofsky It is a season of Good News, and each weekend we have been talking about how the birth of Jesus is good news for us. Some of the best news of the season for me has been your presence in worship. I have gotten to see so many people back in church for the first time since the pandemic began. If you have yet to make it back, I hope you will worship with me this weekend as I talk about...  Read More
Day 17
by Denee Bowers on December 14th, 2021
These ancient words from the prophet Isaiah unveiled the current deliverance of Israel and the future coming of the Messiah.   Read More
Good News - Week 3
by Denee Bowers on December 13th, 2021
The Christmas story is full of examples of how the Good News of Jesus is for all people.  Read More



