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CoreGroup Leader Role
by Denee Bowers on July 28th, 2021
CoreGroup leaders create space for and facilitate meaningful conversations in a safe and welcoming environment where people are inspired to grow in their relationships with Jesus and others.Ideally, all group members will be helping each other grow and take spiritual next steps. Your role as the host is to build that expectation into your group and then encourage the fulfillment of it. At the end ...  Read More
M-Note 7.24.2021
by Mike DePope on July 24th, 2021
Dear Gathering,I am taking a moment during my time away to write to you. I love my work at the church, so I do not naturally take a lot of time off. But, these last few weeks have given me a chance to rest, connect with my family, and reflect on the incredible work that lies ahead for The Gathering. I have enjoyed the chance to participate in worship and experience how powerful Get Up has been. If...  Read More
M-Note 7.2.2021
by Mike DePope on July 2nd, 2021
There is no question that the past year has been a challenging one. But, it has also been an energizing one for me. Ironically, when everything you normally do is taken away, you have to be creative. When the way you do things is restricted, you must imagine new ways of doing things. Crisis breeds creativity. When normal is disrupted, there is new permission to think, rethink, and experiment with ...  Read More
M-Note 6.25.2021
by Mike DePope on June 25th, 2021
Part of The Gathering’s vision is to create a Christian community for new generations. This means that we want to be a community that invites kids into the faith, forms students in faith, and creatively engages college students and younger adults to follow God’s call in their own life. As part of this vision, we strive to inspire and equip younger people to be leaders in the church. One of the mos...  Read More
M-Note 6.18.2021
by Mike DePope on June 18th, 2021
On June 19th, 1865, Union troops rolled into Galveston, TX. Even though General Lee and the Confederates had surrendered months before this, there were pockets of ongoing resistance, including in Texas. That day, General Order No. 3 was read to the people of Texas including the proclamation that, “all slaves are free”.  Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation two and half years prior ...  Read More
M-Note 6.13.2021
by Mike DePope on June 11th, 2021
As kids, most of us played some version of hide-and-seek. Some of you were good at hiding, always trying to find a creative place where no one would think of looking. At first, it can be kind of fun when the “seeker” is looking all over the place and cannot seem to find you. But, did you ever hide so well that eventually it was no longer fun. Maybe you were in an awkward position and you would sta...  Read More



