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Lent Devotional Day 15
by Sarah Turner on March 8th, 2023
Day 15Wednesday, March 8thJohn 6:60-7160 Many of his disciples who heard this said, “This message is harsh. Who can hear it?” 61 Jesus knew that the disciples were grumbling about this and he said to them, “Does this offend you? 62 What if you were to see the Human One going up where he was before? 63 The Spirit is the one who gives life and the flesh doesn’t help at all. The words I have spoken t...  Read More
Lent Devotional Day 14
by Sarah Turner on March 7th, 2023
Day 14Tuesday, March 7thJohn 6:22-5922 The next day, the crowd that remained on the other side of the lake realized that only one boat had been there. They knew Jesus hadn’t gone with his disciples, but that the disciples had gone alone. 23 Some boats came from Tiberias, near the place where they had eaten the bread over which the Lord had given thanks. 24 When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor...  Read More
Who Is Jesus: Week 1 Discussion Guide
by Sarah Turner on March 6th, 2023
Core Group Discussion GuideSeries: Who is Jesus?Week one: Jesus is the bread of lifeContributing Writers: The Gathering Curriculum Writing & Praxis TeamsOpening prayerJesus, you have been in this world since the very beginning, and you created us. Thank you for bringing us here at this moment. Thank you for this time together and for your presence. Please be with us in this conversation and open o...  Read More
Lent Devotional Day 13
by Sarah Turner on March 6th, 2023
Day 13Monday, March 6thJohn 6:16-2116 When evening came, Jesus’ disciples went down to the lake. 17 They got into a boat and were crossing the lake to Capernaum. It was already getting dark, and Jesus hadn’t come to them yet. 18 The water was getting rough, because a strong wind was blowing. 19 When the wind had driven them out for about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the water. He...  Read More
Lent Devotional Day 12
by Sarah Turner on March 5th, 2023
Day 12Sunday, March 5John 6:1-156 After this Jesus went across the Galilee Sea (that is, the Tiberias Sea). 2 A large crowd followed him, because they had seen the miraculous signs he had done among the sick. 3 Jesus went up a mountain and sat there with his disciples. 4 It was nearly time for Passover, the Jewish festival.5 Jesus looked up and saw the large crowd coming toward him. He asked Phili...  Read More
Lent Devotional Day 11
by Sarah Turner on March 4th, 2023
Day 11Saturday, March 4John 5:19-4719 Jesus responded to the Jewish leaders, “I assure you that the Son can’t do anything by himself except what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise. 20 The Father loves the Son and shows him everything that he does. He will show him greater works than these so that you will marvel. 21 As the Father raises the dead and gives lif...  Read More




